How can I help?
There's lots you can do to help in addition to attending our protests! More specifically, you can help in the following ways.
We plan to continue with Canada-Wide protests in the near future, but in a more organized fashion and with more rigorous preparation than the July 1st protests.
If you are at all interested in becoming a lead organizer or a volunteer, please click the button below to fill out the application form. The work is really not difficult!
We're looking for people who are willing to give speeches or share their stories at future protests/events. If you are passionate about fighting corporate mass immigration, or you'd like to share how it has impacted you or people you know, please click the button below and fill out the form. We'd also like to eventually start a series where we highlight people's stories in video or print content. We will not release your story to the public without contacting you to obtain your permission.
Get the word out to people in person, get people excited, make our presence known. Click on the button below to download posters to print and put around your city!