Protest Rules & Guidelines
The upcoming July 1st protests are a chance to stand together and send a clear message to those in power that Canadians have had enough of their reckless policies and utter indifference to both the wants and NEEDS of the Canadian people. Even more significantly, this movement is a chance for Canadians of all stripes to come together against the odds in the name of unity, and to defy the divide-and-conquer strategy that is weaponized against us.
However, it is precisely this coming together of Canadians from across the political spectrum that poses the greatest threat to undermine our cause if we are not duly prepared for the challenges we will face. As such, we have laid out the following rules and guidelines to foster a welcoming atmosphere for all Canadians who wish to protest against corporate mass migration and government corruption.
Although it is the legal right of all Canadians to come and to protest in any manner they see fit, we will do everything we can to separate ourselves from anyone who acts against these guidelines and undermines our unity.
Rule #1 - No Protesting Other Issues
Consider this our Golden Rule. Government corruption and the associated mass immigration we are currently experiencing arguably represent the single greatest threat to the future of our country and to the preservation of Canadian identity that we have ever faced. Canadians across ideological and racial boundaries recognize this, and it is imperative we do not undermine the unity of our movement by allowing it to be associated with the issues that divide us. We must accept and put aside our differences until the matter at hand is settled, for if we don't then many of the other debates we wish to have may be decided for us against our will.
Rule #2 - Canadian Flags Only
This is a protest about Canada. Flags of other nations, to varying degrees, carry their own political baggage and are likely to sew division. The desire to fly the flag of your native country to show support for this movement on behalf of your distinct culture or community is admirable, but we stand for being Canadian first. If you hold allegiance to another nationality above that of Canada, yet you still love this country and the principals it stands for, we encourage you to come and to reconsider over time the order of your allegiances.
We also do not wish to see flags associated with other political movements. Only the Maple Leaf, provincial flags, and flags representing groups of indigenous peoples.
Rule #3 - No Hateful Signs/Messages
It is understandable that during times of uncertainty, unrest, and despair over the future of one's country caused primarily by mass immigration that many Canadians are tempted to direct their anger and frustration towards the people who constitute these waves of immigration. While we do believe those who come here by paying thousands for fake LMIAs or fake educations or by exposing loopholes, those who disrespect our society and our culture when they arrive, and those who commit crime and threaten the safety of women and children deserve little sympathy, it must be understood that the people responsible for these destructive policies and corrupt loopholes are the ruling elite of this country, and it is they who our frustration should be directed towards.
Furthermore, we believe it is never morally justifiable to make negative assertions about entire groups of people based on their heritage or the culture they came from. There are very many Canadians of Indian descent who came to this country fairly who aspire to be Canadian first and foremost, and many of them will show up on July 1st to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with deeply-rooted Canadians in defense of our future, our values, and against the reckless tyranny of our political class. Perhaps slightly obfuscated to some by the most recent waves of mass immigration, there exists a uniquely strong and loyal contingent of Canadian immigrants from the world over that is just as, if not more willing to stand up for Canadian values than many "old stock" Canadians.
This rule should go without saying, but we are stating it clearly to emphasize its importance. Do not bring signs or messages that single out any one race, culture, or ethnicity.
Rule #4 - No Aggressive Behaviour
The July 1st protests are a peaceful and civil demonstration of the will of the Canadian people. While we do not expect much trouble, we must be ready for the possibility that there could be agitators at some locations. If anyone is there to scream at us or to provoke us, ignore them. If someone who came to support our cause is causing provocation, talk them down and diffuse the situation if possible, at your own discretion, and if that is not possible we will do our best to distance them from our demonstration if necessary.
We must also be aware of the possibility that government agents or other saboteurs will infiltrate our protests. While we consider this to be very unlikely, we must all practice awareness. The larger the protest in your city, the more likely this is to occur, and the presence of government agents may be especially likely at protests where there is a police presence. Again, we currently assess the likelihood of this occurring to be low in all cases but be aware and be especially suspicious of anyone seeking to cause physical confrontation with police or counter-protesters. If you see this type of behaviour, then separate yourself from the offending individual and ask police to deal with them.
Rule #5 - Keep an Open Mind and Agree to Disagree
Due to the fact that these protests are focused on a few very specific and related issues (corporate mass immigration, government corruption, and the erosion of our democracy) which resonate with the vast majority of Canadians, you are bound to find yourself protesting along-side someone you may feel that you share little in common with, and whom you vehemently disagree with on issues that are deeply important to you.
It is crucially important for all of us to understand that:
we are all Canadians first and foremost and we all love this country, even if we disagree on why,
we may not get a chance to engage in debates regarding other issues if we don't save our country from the threat at hand and secure a stable future for Canadians, and
we all read these rules and agreed to this premise beforehand, and there are people on all sides of every issue who are willing to be tolerant of those they disagree with.
While there may be those that come who lack the maturity and grace to engage in thoughtful and considerate discussion with those they disagree with, or who fail to simply put differences aside, we believe that maturity, tolerance, and Canadian sensibility will prevail, and we encourage you to be a shining example of the same.
On July first, we are Canadian first, and that is all we need.